A Personal Devotional Journal

I invite you to journey with me. Sometimes we will look at short passages of Scripture and I will give my first thoughts and impressions. Other times, I will just share my thinking about spiritual issues. Always, you are welcome to comment and add your thoughts. Together, we could learn something.

Monday, April 5, 2010

"Being Perfect" Matthew 5:48

"Therefore, be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect."

Let's start with the easy part: the word therefore.  Therefore means, "in light of everything that just preceded -in light of what has just been talked about."  So, in this passage, Jesus is saying "In light of all of this teaching on love and the Kingdom and integrity, be perfect as you heavenly Father is perfect."

Now, for the harder part: this idea of being perfect like God is perfect.  That command seems a little extreme, just a bit out of our league.  I would feel better about it if Jesus had said something like, "Try real hard to be more or less as perfect as your neighbor."  I'd even be ok with, "Be more or less as perfect as your preacher."  But, "Be perfect as God is perfect," seems just a tad impossible.

The issue here is, of course, this word perfect.  When we think of the perfection of God, we all know we are never going to measure up.  God is absolutely perfect in every way, and despite our attempts at being good, we aren't even close -I mean we are not even close to being good, let alone perfect.

It might help to know that the word translated into English as perfect, the Greek word telios does not actually mean absolute god-like perfection.  Telios has a very specific type of perfection in mind.  It means to be complete, whole, mature, and having integrity.  So, this command that Jesus is giving us here might be better understood as, "In light of this teaching on the Kingdom and love and integrity, whole-heartedly pursue integrity and spiritual maturity."

We are brought to this kind of perfection by following and obeying the inner promptings of the Holy Spirit, cooperating with Him as we are transformed into the likeness and character of Christ.  Follow and obey and work with God as He transforms us -still a difficult command, but not impossible.


  1. Thanks for helping to clear up this passage. It has always been an enigma for me.

  2. I was just reading (book on CD actually, don't think I'll do that again) about telios and I loved how the author compared the two dimensional ways that the world seeks to arrive at telios (via the dominant worldviews in the NT, Hellenistic (Aristotle, Iliad, etc) and Jewish Temple system, etc) it's just awesome to see how God provided/s not only the goal, but the direction,the resources and the empowerment as He brings us to completion both individually and corporately...Truly our God is one who provides!...so easy to digress one way or the other though, need the fellowship and discipleship...but He knew that too, I'm so glad the individual journey is so utterly inseparable from the journey of the body...I like to compartmentalize (especially when it centers around me), but His grace is at work :-) Thank you so much for all your insights on here Steve, BTW do I need to do anything to go on that Kairos trip with you? I had gotten an invite before and prayed about it, but wasn't led that way at that time...but I think it would be a great opportunity to learn a bit more from the Lord through you and the folks at the prison. Let me know...
